ATLAS12 computes model atmospheres for individual abundances. The line opacity is computed with the Opacity Sampling (OS) method. Once a model is computed, the corresponding flux can be obtained with SYNTHE. In this case: The ATLAS12 ouput model, for example ap04t4970g46k1at12.dat, MUST BE MODIFIED in ap04t4970g46k1at12.mod: 1) ADD the following control cards at the top of the ATLAS12 model (this holds also for an ATLAS9 input model): SURFACE INTENSI 17 1.,.9,.8,.7,.6,.5,.4,.3,.25,.2,.15,.125,.1,.075,.05,.025,.01 ITERATIONS 1 PRINT 2 PUNCH 2 CORRECTION OFF PRESSURE OFF READ MOLECULES MOLECULES ON 2) DROP the cards of the ATLAS12 model: ABUNDANCE TABLE 1H XXX 2He XXX 3Li XXX XX 4Be XXX XX etc.. up to 98Cf XXX CC 99Es XXX XX